The Debate On Using Hands-free Cell Phones Continues
While April has been designated as National Distracted Driving Awareness Month the debate on the use of hands-free cell phones continues.
A recent National Safety Council poll shows that 80% of U.S. drivers believe hands-free cell phones are safer than using hand held devices. However, more than 30 studies have shown that using hands-free systems provided drivers no safety benefit.
In the 2014 Annual Survey of New York Drivers half of the drivers reported that they send or receive text messages while driving, while six out of ten drivers said they talk on their cell phone while driving. This data has remained steady despite the fact that penalties for using your cell phone and texting while driving now carries 5 points and penalties of up to $450. Probationary and junior drivers face a 120 day suspension of their license for a first offense and a 1 year suspension of their license for a second offense.
Our Office has seen an increase in cell phone and texting violations. For your own safety and the safety of others please do not use your cell phone while driving. It is important to always consult an experienced traffic ticket lawyer before pleading guilty to a traffic offense including cell phone and texting violations.